Child’s right to inclusive social protection at the human rights council

This year, the Annual Day on the Rights of the Child including a resolution was dedicated the rights of the child and inclusive social protection. The resolution includes a helpful paragraph that notes the importance of the child having a legal identity as pre-requisite to inclusive social protection. In parallel, Child Identity Protection (CHIP) partnered with ATD Fourth World, Child Rights ConnectConsortium For Street ChildrenFamily for Every ChildHope and Homes for ChildrenLumosMake Mothers Matter – MMMSave the Children International and SOS Children’s Villages International to host two side-events.

The first side-event was on 12 March on Bridging Gaps for Children’s Rights and Inclusive Social Protection where the role of birth registration as an enabler as highlighted. The event also focused on the right of children to be cared for in a loving and supportive family, social protection for children with a disability and social protection of children in humanitarian situations and on the move.  The event provided concrete examples of real solutions for positive change for children and featured the voices of child advocates as experts on the topic in their own right.

The second side-event on 15 March was a follow-up round table of the week of events and expectations for moving forward. It explored efforts at an international level from OHCHR and UNICEF, then did a deep dive into pilot projects and opportunities to scale up these initiatives.

CHIP hopes that these collaborative efforts as well as insights from experts such as Helen Griffiths (United Nations Human Rights), Bhaskar Mishra (UNICEF), Ann Skelton (CRC Chairperson) Benoît Van Keirsbilck (CRC Committee) and Cornelius Williams will contribute to moving forward.

Source : Resolution. Side-events recordings.

HRC Roundtable HRC Side Event

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