Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, CHIP president, participates in discussions by Joint Committee on International Surrogacy

The Joint Committee on International Surrogacy was established to consider and make recommendations on measures including legislation to address issues arising from international surrogacy. Madame de Boer-Buquicchio was invited to speak on the session relating to Preventing the sale, exploitation and trafficking of children born to an international surrogacy arrangement. Based on her extensive experience , including as former UN Special Rapporteur on sale and sexual exploitation of children, she used this opportunity to explain the different situations where sale of children may occur prohibited under the CRC and its OPSC. She further insisted that certainty in legal parentage should not trump all other children’s rights including the need to prevent sale and preserve the child’s identity as noted in UNICEF/CHIP briefing note on this topic. She stressed the importance of all States having robust regulation that does not allow for the transfer of the child, for any remuneration or any other consideration, which would lead to the sale of the child as well as his or her identity.

Sources: and

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