Renewed contribution of CHIP to a course on new developments in Law and Family

In the framework of a diploma offered by Mexico’s Supreme Court, Child Identity Protection (CHIP) led a module on identity and family relations in adoption and assisted reproductive technologies. This is the third time that CHIP has led this session, attended remotely by about 350 judicial operators, including of the country’s Casas de la Cultura Jurídica, which are public fora open to society to promote a legal culture and interact with specialists. This session offered an opportunity to continue reflecting on family law developments, to offer a panorama of the latest trends at international level in this field, and to address situations of interest arising in Mexico. CHIP thanks Mexico’s Supreme Court, in particular its General Unit for Scentific Knowledge and Human Rights and the Directorate for Gender Equality, for its renewed invitation and trust in CHIP for this third edition of the course. We look forward to further potential collaboration in the field of family law and identity issues affecting children and adolescents.

See: Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, on X: @CEC_SCJN

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