Time for Truth and Justice – human rights violations in “stolen babies” cases
Amnesty International has recently released a new report on babies being removed from their families during the Franco dictatorship until the 90’s in Spain. The report highlights the child’s right to identity where a significant number of people have key aspects of their identity missing such as the name of their birth parents and information about the circumstances of their birth. Despite multiple complaints since 2011, restorative measures have been limited. CHIP supports this work advocating for States to comply with their obligation to speedily restore missing identity elements, including by lifting the statutes of limitations in these cases.
See: https://amnistia.org.mx/contenido/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Informe-beb%C3%A9s-robados.pdf and https://www.es.amnesty.org/en-que-estamos/noticias/noticia/articulo/espana-inaceptable-impunidad-decadas-sin-respuesta-a-miles-de-denuncias-de-desaparicion-forzada-apropiacion-y-o-sustitucion-de-identidad-de-ninos-y-ninas/(available in Spanish).