The BBC News published an article of heartbreaking testimonies of adult adoptees in Ireland whom for decades have gone through the arduous processes obtaining birth certificates or tracing their family origins. Four adoptees shared testimonies of the difficulties they have...
  • 10 October 2022
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The Joint Committee on International Surrogacy was established to consider and make recommendations on measures including legislation to address issues arising from international surrogacy. Madame de Boer-Buquicchio was invited to speak on the session relating to Preventing the sale, exploitation...
  • 26 April 2022
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The Adoption Authority of Ireland recently published the findings of a survey undertaken in 13 countries “to explore whether and how other countries provide and resource Intercountry Adoption Information and Tracing Services and what, if any, policies, procedures and staffing/resources...
  • 06 April 2022
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The High Court has declared that eight survivors were denied fair procedures by the State’s Mother and Baby Homes Commission of Investigation which operated between 2015 and 2021. The report has been described as “fatally flawed” by survivors and the...
  • 20 December 2021
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Following a six-year inquiry into Irish mother and baby homes, the Irish government has announced its plans for a redress scheme to compensate mothers and children who were placed in mother-and-baby homes in the early 20th century. The government estimates...
  • 19 November 2021
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Le rapport final de la commission d’enquête sur les foyers pour mères et bébés en Irlande a été publié en 2021 (1). Le rapport, ainsi que les travaux menés par des personnes adoptées et des survivants dans le cadre du Projet...
  • 15 January 2021
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