Outcomes of discussions on forced displacement and irregular adoptions
In November 2023, the multidisciplinary research group AFIN – based at the Autonomous University of Barcelona – organised a very interesting online seminar titled Desplazamientos y adopciones irregulares en España (Displacements and irregular adoptions in Spain). CHIP had the honour of contributing to the said event by introducing the initiatives and potential available channels at domestic, regional and global level to seek the restoration of children’s – and adults’ – identities in cases of illegal adoptions and other violations of the rights to identity. Other presenters also offered enriching historical, social and legal perspectives, shared the stories of survivors whilst also exploring other means of addressing these situations through journalistic investigations and theatre creation. This event is embedded in the development and implementation by AFIN of a hub of resources and testimonies designed to provide visibility to the experiences of forced displacements and irregular adoptions: https://adopcionesirregulares.com. CHIP congratulates AFIN for its efforts to make these situations and their impact on the right to identity visible and thanks them for their trust and invitation to CHIP.
Recordings of the event are now available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx8gq1iuaro (Panel 1) and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXSOUKWFsI (Panel 2).